Active Telugu Film Producers Guild

In the midst of recovering from the pandemic and its far reaching effects, the Telugu Film Industry is slowly trying to resume work. While Governments are opening up the economy and permitting the opening of theatres, various challenges exist for us.

  • Uncertainty of theatre occupancy

  • Present permit only for 50%

  • Zero foreign theatrical market

  • Decrease in revenue realization

  • With many unknowns ahead we must resume and restart our Industry taking decisions that will ensure that we are able to sustain till the situation normalizes.

  • We are thankful for the cooperation extended by all segments of the Industry. The Artist community is the face of our Industry and has always been the first to step forward in difficult times. Again after very fruitful discussions with the Movie Artistes Association, we have been able to arrive at an understanding that will set the tone and help us lift ourselves from this situation in the near future.

  • The Movie Artistes Association & The Active Telugu Film Producers’ Guild have agreed that 20% reduction on remunerations shall be applicable (pre lockdown rates).

  • Under 20,000/per day artistes shall be exempt from this reduction.

  • In regard to Technicians, individuals drawing over Rs.5 lakh per film are expected to extend the same reduction of 20%.

This understanding will go a long way and all are expected to cooperate. It is also agreed that the above understanding will be reviewed as the situation normalizes. This understanding is applicable to all producers, artistes and technicians regardless of their affiliations. All are expected to cooperate and comply so that the Telugu Film Industry may flourish again soon.

We are thankful to one & all who have extended to each other in these difficult times.


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