“Hey hudia” song poster from FCUK (Father Chitti Uma Karthik) movie

As part of the initiative of Sri Ranjith Movies to release  FCUK  (Father Chitti Uma Karthik) movie songs by real heroes instead of reel heroes it has announced its next song Hey Hudiya will be released to the media by media personnel themselves. This is reall unique since among frontline covid warriors the role of media personnel was rarely given attention and this initiative is really drawing attention. FCUK  (Father Chitti Uma Karthik)  movie earlier songs were released by mucipal workers, health workers and police personnel who have played heroic role during the most fearful days of the pandemic. However no one noticed that when everyone was scared to step out, media personnel too played a pivotal role in bringing the latest updates on a 24X7 basis without even a days break. They had the tough task of having to double check and filter the enermous volume of data floating around for authenticity and ensure that no covid related news was published without checking with concerned experts. The poster announcing the release of ‘Hey Hudiya’ song by media was well recieved


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